Gymnastics mouth: oral re-education exercises

I discovered with curiosity the invention of Mr. Alfred Pfennig, awarded the gold medal at the Concours Lépine in Paris and medal by the French Association of Sports Medicine! 
What is it about ? 

The device is called Head Balance, it is an oral gymnastic apparatus. 

But what does it do so? Basically, Mr Pfennig was designed to relieve his migraine patients (there is an osteopathic physician) and indications jaw exercises have spread to all problems related to the imbalances of the jaw: tinnitus, vertigo, bruxism, snoring, headaches, muscular pains in the neck, shoulders or back or even lockjaw (permanent and involuntary contraction of the muscles of the jaw). 

All muscles of mastication indeed involved in léquilibre muscles of the head, neck, shoulders and back, and the slightest asymmetry of the jaw can have remote effects. 

Oral gymnastics apparatus: Head Balance

The device gets far the principle of the clothespin. Designed in spring steel, it measures just over 4 cm wide for stability between the teeth. The tip is provided in food elastomer booster seat for positioning the teeth in the right place so that the pressure is restored over the whole of the jaw. The strength of the spring is then optimal to simultaneously work the muscles of the left and right sides of the jaw. 

The mode of operation is simple: sitting in a chair and head right, insert the device in the mouth (ferrules side) by pinching it with your fingers and chew slowly fifteen times. Repeat exercise the head turned slightly to the left and then another fifteen times the head turned to the right. Do morning and evening, three sets spaced a minute break (removing the device pinching). You will agree that it is not too demanding! 

Implementation of the accessory and positioning of the teeth

The device is even indicated for the prevention of facial wrinkles and reduce them through its action on muscle tone and blood supply of the facial tissues. 

An indispensable tool for the balance of the jaw